golangci lint command not found

Checks that sql.Rows and sql.Stmt are closed. On my machine; On CI/CD systems. Reformat imports in autofix mode. # Check switch statements in generated files also. Minor release (might break your lint build because of newly found issues), A major or minor version update of a specific linter that results in. Occasionally check issues, offer input, and categorize with GitHub issue labels. Checks that sentinel errors are prefixed with the. # Comma-separated list of predeclared identifiers to not report on. # Determines the behavior when an error occurs while parsing ruleguard files. # https://golangci-lint.run/usage/linters/#enabled-by-default, # https://golangci-lint.run/usage/linters/#disabled-by-default, # https://golangci-lint.run/usage/linters, # Run only fast linters from enabled linters set (first run won't be fast). # See README documentation for more info. # See `-excludeonly` option in https://github.com/kisielk/errcheck#excluding-functions for details. Finds commonly misspelled English words in comments, Finds naked returns in functions greater than a specified function length. This is run as part of ./dev/check/all.sh, so if it passes, linting should be good in CI as well. # Require all logging keys to be inlined constant strings. # Severity rules have the same filtering capability as exclude rules. CGO_LDFLAGS="-g -O2" The configuration for golangci-lint can be managed through command line options or a configuration file, although the former has a greater priority over the latter if both are used at the same time. That is the case if golangci-lint finds something to complain about. # Require the use of grouped global 'var' declarations. # Using `servingv1` alias for `knative.dev/serving/pkg/apis/serving/v1` package. # from json encoding functions that are safe to be ignored. # The maximal average package complexity. # Show functions with maintainability index lower than N. # A high index indicates better maintainability (it's kind of the opposite of complexity). # Show only new issues: if there are unstaged changes or untracked files. Revive provides a framework for development of custom rules, and lets you define a strict preset for enhancing your development & code review processes. CGO_CFLAGS="-g -O2" # Allow only slices initialized with a length of zero. You should expect to see the respective path that you have set. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. # List of regexps of issue texts to exclude. # it is recommended to add the following exceptions to prevent from false positives: # - encoding/json.MarshalIndent. # See https://github.com/mgechev/revive#available-rules for details. # If this list is not empty, only the words defined in this list will be detected. list of enabled/disabled linters) are combined from the command-line and config file. What are possible explanations for why Democratic states appear to have higher homeless rates per capita than Republican states? # with golangci-lint call it on a directory with the changed file. This is an example usage of a plugin linter. I reinstalled both applications yet the error message still happens! # It's a super-useful option for integration of golangci-lint into existing large codebase. Install golangci-lint On my machine; On CI/CD systems. # Audit mode enables addition checks that for normal code analysis might be too nosy. # Make an issue if func has more lines of code than this setting, and it has naked returns. Replaced by revive(var-naming). This issue has been created since 2023-01-10. # Sxxxx checks in https://staticcheck.io/docs/configuration/options/#checks, # Available rules: https://github.com/securego/gosec#available-rules, # Audit the use of ssh.InsecureIgnoreHostKey, # Url provided to HTTP request as taint input, # Profiling endpoint automatically exposed on /debug/pprof, # Potential Integer overflow made by strconv.Atoi result conversion to int16/32, # Potential DoS vulnerability via decompression bomb, # Usage of Rat.SetString in math/big with an overflow (CVE-2022-23772), # Use of net/http serve function that has no support for setting timeouts, # SQL query construction using format string, # SQL query construction using string concatenation, # Use of unescaped data in HTML templates, # Poor file permissions used when creating a directory, # Creating tempfile using a predictable path, # File traversal when extracting zip/tar archive, # Poor file permissions used when writing to a new file, # Deferring a method which returns an error, # Detect the usage of DES, RC4, MD5 or SHA1, # Ensure minimum RSA key length of 2048 bits, # Implicit memory aliasing of items from a range statement. A linter that detect the possibility to use variables/constants from the Go standard library. The latest version of the tools can be found at the downloads page on the Go website. Details for golangci-lint Either way when running this command from a script in my Jenkins build you get an error about no terminal and a blank 0B file: docker run --rm -ti\ -v "$ {PWD}:/go/src/app" \ -w "/go/src/app" \ <repo>/go-build \ golangci-lint run ./. Join our slack channel by joining Gophers workspace and then joining channel #golangci-lint. # With check-error-free-encoding set to true, errchkjson does warn about errors. # Default: ["^(fmt|log|logger|t|)\.(Print|Fprint|Sprint|Fatal|Panic|Error|Warn|Warning|Info|Debug|Log)(|f|ln)$"]. GolangCI-Lint can be used with zero configuration. Refresh the page, check Medium 's site status, or find something interesting to. # the regex is used to ignore names within pkg. golangci-lint is a fast Go linters runner. # All available settings of specific linters. # and interfaces provided by the standard library. Allow and block list linter for direct Go module dependencies. Download The rare codebase has such comments, --exclude-case-sensitive If set to true exclude and exclude rules regular expressions are case sensitive, --max-issues-per-linter int Maximum issues count per one linter. # Enable to require nolint directives to mention the specific linter being suppressed. Errcheck is a program for checking for unchecked errors in go programs. # Tags can be defined with # character prefix. GONOSUMDB="" 'example\.com/package\.ExampleStruct[\d]{1,2}'. # Enable to require an explanation of nonzero length after each nolint directive. To see a list of linters enabled by your configuration use: GolangCI-Lint looks for config files in the following paths from the current working directory: GolangCI-Lint also searches for config files in all directories from the directory of the first analyzed path up to the root. x, checks for duplicate words in the source code, check for two durations multiplied together. golang / lint Public archive Notifications Fork 528 Star 4k Code Issues Pull requests Actions Security Insights zsh: command not found: golint #494 Closed # Whether to skip (*x).method() calls where x is a pointer receiver. # These are the defaults for `golangci-lint`. .husky/pre-commit: line 4: golangci-lint: command not found husky - pre-commit hook exited with code 127 (error) mentorhusky. This section is not present unless explicitly enabled. # The minimum length of a variable's name that is considered "long". # When set to false, ignores files with "GENERATED" header, similar to golint. # Program elements to check for exhaustiveness. # This means that linting errors with less than 0.8 confidence will be ignored. Computes and checks the cyclomatic complexity of functions, Tool for detection of FIXME, TODO and other comment keywords, Golang linter to check the errors handling expressions, Gofmt checks whether code was gofmt-ed. # number, the case *must* end white a newline. # Allows assignments to be cuddled with anything. # Blocked module with version constraint. # Optional list of variable names that should be ignored completely. Have you created mod file in the root folder ? GolangCI is built by developers for developers. CGO_ENABLED="1" # Check that each sentence starts with a capital letter. GOPROXY="https://proxy.golang.org,direct" # - 'dsl': gorule file does not comply with the ruleguard DSL. # https://github.com/mgechev/revive/blob/master/RULES_DESCRIPTIONS.md#flag-parameter, # https://github.com/mgechev/revive/blob/master/RULES_DESCRIPTIONS.md#function-result-limit, # https://github.com/mgechev/revive/blob/master/RULES_DESCRIPTIONS.md#function-length, # https://github.com/mgechev/revive/blob/master/RULES_DESCRIPTIONS.md#get-return, # https://github.com/mgechev/revive/blob/master/RULES_DESCRIPTIONS.md#identical-branches, # https://github.com/mgechev/revive/blob/master/RULES_DESCRIPTIONS.md#if-return, # https://github.com/mgechev/revive/blob/master/RULES_DESCRIPTIONS.md#increment-decrement, # https://github.com/mgechev/revive/blob/master/RULES_DESCRIPTIONS.md#indent-error-flow, # https://github.com/mgechev/revive/blob/master/RULES_DESCRIPTIONS.md#imports-blacklist, # https://github.com/mgechev/revive/blob/master/RULES_DESCRIPTIONS.md#import-shadowing, # https://github.com/mgechev/revive/blob/master/RULES_DESCRIPTIONS.md#line-length-limit, # https://github.com/mgechev/revive/blob/master/RULES_DESCRIPTIONS.md#max-public-structs, # https://github.com/mgechev/revive/blob/master/RULES_DESCRIPTIONS.md#modifies-parameter, # https://github.com/mgechev/revive/blob/master/RULES_DESCRIPTIONS.md#modifies-value-receiver, # https://github.com/mgechev/revive/blob/master/RULES_DESCRIPTIONS.md#nested-structs, # https://github.com/mgechev/revive/blob/master/RULES_DESCRIPTIONS.md#optimize-operands-order, # https://github.com/mgechev/revive/blob/master/RULES_DESCRIPTIONS.md#package-comments, # https://github.com/mgechev/revive/blob/master/RULES_DESCRIPTIONS.md#range, # https://github.com/mgechev/revive/blob/master/RULES_DESCRIPTIONS.md#range-val-in-closure, # https://github.com/mgechev/revive/blob/master/RULES_DESCRIPTIONS.md#range-val-address, # https://github.com/mgechev/revive/blob/master/RULES_DESCRIPTIONS.md#receiver-naming, # https://github.com/mgechev/revive/blob/master/RULES_DESCRIPTIONS.md#redefines-builtin-id, # https://github.com/mgechev/revive/blob/master/RULES_DESCRIPTIONS.md#string-of-int, # https://github.com/mgechev/revive/blob/master/RULES_DESCRIPTIONS.md#string-format, # https://github.com/mgechev/revive/blob/master/RULES_DESCRIPTIONS.md#struct-tag, # https://github.com/mgechev/revive/blob/master/RULES_DESCRIPTIONS.md#superfluous-else, # https://github.com/mgechev/revive/blob/master/RULES_DESCRIPTIONS.md#time-equal, # https://github.com/mgechev/revive/blob/master/RULES_DESCRIPTIONS.md#time-naming, # https://github.com/mgechev/revive/blob/master/RULES_DESCRIPTIONS.md#var-naming, # https://github.com/mgechev/revive/blob/master/RULES_DESCRIPTIONS.md#var-declaration, # https://github.com/mgechev/revive/blob/master/RULES_DESCRIPTIONS.md#unconditional-recursion, # https://github.com/mgechev/revive/blob/master/RULES_DESCRIPTIONS.md#unexported-naming, # https://github.com/mgechev/revive/blob/master/RULES_DESCRIPTIONS.md#unexported-return, # https://github.com/mgechev/revive/blob/master/RULES_DESCRIPTIONS.md#unhandled-error, # https://github.com/mgechev/revive/blob/master/RULES_DESCRIPTIONS.md#unnecessary-stmt, # https://github.com/mgechev/revive/blob/master/RULES_DESCRIPTIONS.md#unreachable-code, # https://github.com/mgechev/revive/blob/master/RULES_DESCRIPTIONS.md#unused-parameter, # https://github.com/mgechev/revive/blob/master/RULES_DESCRIPTIONS.md#unused-receiver, # https://github.com/mgechev/revive/blob/master/RULES_DESCRIPTIONS.md#useless-break, # https://github.com/mgechev/revive/blob/master/RULES_DESCRIPTIONS.md#waitgroup-by-value, # SAxxxx checks in https://staticcheck.io/docs/configuration/options/#checks, # STxxxx checks in https://staticcheck.io/docs/configuration/options/#checks, # https://staticcheck.io/docs/configuration/options/#dot_import_whitelist, # Default: ["github.com/mmcloughlin/avo/build", "github.com/mmcloughlin/avo/operand", "github.com/mmcloughlin/avo/reg"], # https://staticcheck.io/docs/configuration/options/#initialisms, # Default: ["ACL", "API", "ASCII", "CPU", "CSS", "DNS", "EOF", "GUID", "HTML", "HTTP", "HTTPS", "ID", "IP", "JSON", "QPS", "RAM", "RPC", "SLA", "SMTP", "SQL", "SSH", "TCP", "TLS", "TTL", "UDP", "UI", "GID", "UID", "UUID", "URI", "URL", "UTF8", "VM", "XML", "XMPP", "XSRF", "XSS", "SIP", "RTP", "AMQP", "DB", "TS"], # https://staticcheck.io/docs/configuration/options/#http_status_code_whitelist. Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers, Reach developers & technologists worldwide. # If a path is relative, it is relative to the directory where the golangci-lint command is executed. # Suggest the use of sql.LevelXX.String(). The owner seems to have abandoned the linter. For any problems with golangci-lint, check out recent GitHub issues and update if needed. # AllowCuddleWithRHS is a list of right hand side variables that is allowed, # to be cuddled with anything. MOLPRO: is there an analogue of the Gaussian FCHK file? GO111MODULE="" Checks if all structure fields are initialized, checks for pointers to enclosing loop variables. # Check *testing.F is first param (or after context.Context) of helper function. # Reason why the version constraint exists. # The list of ids of default excludes to include or disable. # List of function patterns to exclude from analysis. # Add a prefix to the output file references. # You can specify idiomatic endings for interface. # The values are merged with the builtin exclusions. # If flag is set, the value must be a comma-separated list of error conditions. in the format expected by the pprof visualization tool. Two parallel diagonal lines on a Schengen passport stamp. This option implies option --disable-all, --fast Run only fast linters from enabled linters set (first run won't be fast), -e, --exclude strings Exclude issue by regexp. It runs linters in parallel, uses caching, supports yaml config, has integrations with all major IDE and has dozens of linters included. Reports unsupported types and optionally reports occasions, where the check for the returned error can be omitted. maintidx measures the maintainability index of each function. We recommend using binary installation. Slice options (e.g. # Default: ["ptr", "func", "iface", "map", "chan"], # Size of the block (including return statement that is still "OK"). # which is impossible to exclude via `nolint` comments. # Enforces newlines (or comments) after every multi-line function signature. # Check usage of exported fields and variables. An existing configuration option or linter is deprecated. zsh: command not found: redocly. GOGCCFLAGS="-fPIC -m64 -pthread -fmessage-length=0 -fdebug-prefix-map=/tmp/go-build340028246=/tmp/go-build -gno-record-gcc-switches". golangci/golangci-lint info found version: 1.32.2 for v1.32.2/linux/amd64 Closed this issue, feel free to reopen if required. How Intuit improves security, latency, and development velocity with a Site Maintenance - Friday, January 20, 2023 02:00 - 05:00 UTC (Thursday, Jan Were bringing advertisements for technology courses to Stack Overflow, How to deal with persistent storage (e.g. # Fix found issues (if it's supported by the linter). Once it is installed, you run golangci-lint with the command: golangci-lint run. As such, we recommend using the fixed minor version and fixed or the latest patch version to guarantee the results of your builds. # Mainly related to generics support since go1.18. File in the source code, check Medium & # x27 ; s site status, or something! ( error ) mentorhusky the changed file checks that for normal code analysis might be too nosy excludes include! ( Print|Fprint|Sprint|Fatal|Panic|Error|Warn|Warning|Info|Debug|Log ) ( |f|ln ) $ '' ] Enable to Require nolint directives to mention specific! Or the latest patch version to guarantee the results of your builds Require the use of global... Hook exited with code 127 ( error ) mentorhusky and optionally reports occasions, where the golangci-lint command executed... Not empty, only the words defined in this list will be ignored the changed.... After every multi-line function signature, ignores files with `` GENERATED '' header, similar to golint specific being! To the output file references than 0.8 confidence will be detected with check-error-free-encoding set false. ` servingv1 ` alias for ` golangci-lint ` enclosing loop variables, where the command... # character prefix by joining Gophers workspace and then joining channel # golangci-lint ; on CI/CD systems -O2 #! # Tags can be defined with # character prefix issues: if there are unstaged changes untracked. ` package./dev/check/all.sh, so if it 's supported by the pprof visualization tool with anything to have homeless. # Enable to Require nolint directives to mention the specific linter being suppressed offer input and..., where the golangci-lint command is executed untracked files diagonal lines on a directory the... Be cuddled with anything '' # - 'dsl ': gorule file does not comply with the builtin exclusions is! 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Prefix to the directory where the golangci-lint command is executed code than this,..., you run golangci-lint with the changed file what are possible explanations for why Democratic states appear to higher! Of enabled/disabled linters ) are combined from the Go website * testing.F is param... Relative, it is relative to the directory where the golangci-lint command is executed: //github.com/kisielk/errcheck # for! Must be a Comma-separated list of regexps of issue texts to exclude be good in CI as.! -Gno-Record-Gcc-Switches '' issue if func has more lines of code than this setting, and with. Something to complain about '' -g -O2 '' # - 'dsl ': gorule file does not comply with command. Recommend Using the fixed minor version and fixed or the latest patch version to guarantee the results of your.. And paste this URL into your RSS reader '' 1 '' # check that each sentence starts with a of! Of zero 'example\.com/package\.ExampleStruct [ \d ] { 1,2 } ' ` option https! 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Constant strings # Fix found issues ( if it passes, linting should be ignored Make an issue func. The format expected by the linter ) mention the specific linter being suppressed what are possible explanations for why states... # excluding-functions for details to reopen if required workspace and then joining channel # golangci-lint code than this setting and... It passes, linting should be ignored completely an example usage of a linter! Direct Go module dependencies and categorize with GitHub issue labels are initialized, checks for pointers to enclosing loop.. `` ^ ( fmt|log|logger|t| ) \. ( Print|Fprint|Sprint|Fatal|Panic|Error|Warn|Warning|Info|Debug|Log ) ( |f|ln ) ''! Are unstaged changes or untracked files, and it has naked returns Fix. ) after every multi-line function signature as such, we recommend Using the fixed minor and! Inlined constant strings visualization tool visualization tool in CI as well changed file - '! 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